reporting a safeguarding concern:
Safeguarding concerns that are not considered an emergency should be reported via email using the address below:
safeguarding policy statement
This statement relates to True Vine Church previously known as Victorious Life Church, Registered Charity Name: ‘Isle of Wight Christian Fellowship’ No. 1156683 (Referred to as “the Church” in this statement).and its commitment to the safeguarding and protection of children (from age 0-18) and any adult at risk of harm within the Church context.
The Church:
Welcomes all children and adults (regardless of gender, ethnicity or ability) into the life of our Church community.
Ensures that any member working regularly in a position of responsibility, with either children or adults who may be at risk of harm, has been selected according to church procedures and has an up to date Disclosure and Barring Service check in place. (N.B. for the purpose of this document all procedures applying to children will also apply to adults who may be at risk of harm.)
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility
The Church is committed to:
The prevention and reporting of abuse
It is the duty of each church member and each member of the wider church family to prevent the physical, sexual, emotional or spiritual abuse and neglect of children, or adults who may be at risk of harm.
It is the duty of all to respond to concerns about the well-being of children or adults who may be at risk of harm, and to report any abuse disclosed, discovered or suspected to those with responsibility for safeguarding.
The Church will fully cooperate with any statutory investigation into any suspected abuse linked with the Church.
Safe Recruitment, support and supervision of workers
The Church will exercise proper care in the selection and appointment of those working with children, whether paid or voluntary.
All workers will be provided with appropriate training, support and supervision to promote the safeguarding of children.
Respecting children
The Church will adopt a code of conduct for all who are appointed to work with children so that all children are shown the respect that is due to them.
Safe working practices
The Church is committed to providing a safe environment for the activities with children and will adopt ways of working with children that promote their safety and well-being.
A safe community
The Church will seek to ensure that the behaviour of any who may pose a risk to children in the community of the Church is managed appropriately.
Responsible people:
The Church Trustees, with the support of the Leadership team and on behalf of the Church,
Have a duty of care to the children involved in the life of this Church and have ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the Policy Statement and procedures are written and implemented.
Are responsible for any legal obligations we have as an organisation (as set out in The Children Act 1989 and 2004, Safe from Harm (HM Government 1994) and Working Together to Safeguard Children (HM Government 2010), and such other statutory legislation that shall from time to time be enacted.)
The Safeguarding Trustee:
Is responsible for the overseeing, monitoring and implementation of the policy and procedures on behalf of the Church’s Trustees.
Will ensure that the policy and procedures are reviewed at least annually and will present the report of the annual review to the Trustees, reporting back to the Church on its effectiveness.
Will receive reports from the Safeguarding Officers regarding any safeguarding incidents in the life of the Church, will inform the Trustees as appropriate, and be responsible for informing the Charity Commission in the annual return.
The Church has appointed Michael Parsons and Faye Smith as the Safeguarding Officers to:
Help the Church respond appropriately to any concerns raised about the safety or well-being of a child and take the appropriate action when abuse is disclosed, discovered or suspected.
Inform the Safeguarding Trustee of any safeguarding incidents in the life of the Church.
Implement policies and procedures relating to the safeguarding of children in the Church as detailed above.
Ensure delivery of appropriate safeguarding training for both staff, volunteers and for the wider Church.
Policy and guidelines
A copy of this policy statement can be viewed on the Church notice board and also on the Church website.
Each children's worker, whether paid or voluntary, will be given a full copy of the policy and guidelines and will be required to follow them.
A full copy of the policy and guidelines will be made available on request to any member of the Church, the parents or carers of any child from the Church or any other person associated with the Church.
The policy and guidelines will be monitored and reviewed by the Trustees annually.
The policy statement will be read annually at the Church AGM together with a report on the outcome of the annual review.